The Breathe Essays

A memory of mine

Forever I have known this day,
and now it's finally come.
I am the one that I recall;
a fragment of the Sun.
A small and shining Universe
within the Greater Whole,
I am the certainty of saints
I know now what they have known.

I have seen the darkness,
now I move into the light.
Knowing too, that all is God,
I no longer fight;
For all I've dreamed, I know now
is at my fingertips, and
all I must do to make it so
is simply think of it.
I've struggled long and hard in life.
I've cried so many tears,
and now this gift of joy is
magnified by all those years.
Life is what you make it,
Others like to say, but not
until your heart knows this
can you live that way.

This day, for me, came rising
like a Phoenix from the flame,
for I was in my darkest fears
and in my greatest pain.
I was broken and dehumanized,
and finally erased.
There was nothing left of me.
I belonged no place.

Yet from this deepest, darkest night,
this emptiness of soul,
This place that I now know as hell
where walking dead ones go,
from this place, my one last shred
of will called iteslf forth
and demanded I remember
what is was I came here for.

I came here to embody
this force we call our soul,
a little piece of Heaven working
toward a greater goal;
To know the darkness, and the light,
To see the sunset glow,
To run through fields of daffodils and
make angels in the snow.
I've come to sample sugar,
to leap in sudden fright,
I've come to swim a thousand miles
and taste the stars at night.
I'm here to love my fellow souls
not judge the path they've trod,
and help them to remember
that they are also God.

For very soon my words will reach
a hundred thousand ears, and
another and another 'til
a million more can hear.
And when they hear, they too, will know the reason they have come
and in our hearts we'll all recall
that God is where we're from.

Forever I have known this day
and now it has arrived.
I recall my soul's intention and
from which it was derived.
I am a vessel of the message,
a fragment of the Sun.
A small and shining Universe,
a sacred, holy one.

Wednesday, March 10, 1999
Copyright 2010 by Deborah McAdams. All Rights Reserved. For Reprint Rights, click here.